So much for waiting 💃🏽😳

Sarai • Mommy of 3 amazing teenagers!
So if anyone has read my last post about pregnancy it went a little like this: 
I received a huge promotion at my job last month along with a big raise and I was excited! I told my SO that we should put the baby making on hold because I travel a lot for my job and because I just felt I should dedicate more to this new position... Well some of you said to just go with the flow not to wait and just keep going as is because who knows it might take months! Well I did that I said forget it babe lets just Not focus on baby and  Just go with the flow He was like ok cool so For March & April I didn't follow the <a href="">ovulation calendar</a> I only inserted my period in March and in April I pretty much ignored Glow and just let it be... I tell you when God says your ready boy you better be ready! Yesterday 4/19/16 I was 4 days late out of curiosity took a test and BAM big ass ➕ I was in shock! I had to go out of town for work and it was killing me to not tell my SO until we both got home from work 😳😬 but I surprised him and he was so excited!
All I can say ladies is if you feel like it's not coming for you be patient trust me I know it's hard I was one of those and it wasn't until I said ok let go and let God that it happened! 
And I had a tubal reversal done in 2014 so yes it can happen! Baby dust to all you beautiful ladies! This was my surprise to my SO!