Daycare for premiee, advice please

My baby girl is 2 months old and was born at 34+6. She spent 5 days in the NICU and I received steroid injections to develop her lungs at 32 weeks. Here is the issue. My home is a daycare. My mom and I run it and she has been running it since my baby was born. My baby and I are secluded to my bedroom and do not leave it until 6pm when all the kids leave. Her pediatrician doesn't want her down there until she is 6 months old, but stated she could as long as the kids do not go near her at all. Is it hurting her health to keep her secluded in an averaged sized bedroom for that long? I feel like her and I can't even really move. I feel like she is behind on things not just because of her prematurity, but we're not even allowed to see the world. I'm scared to bring her down in the daycare, but I'm also scared to constantly keep her cooped up. I have a 4 year old daughter as well. Please any advice or experience would be appreciated!