
Rif • Trying for baby #2 :D xo
For all of u who are in your first trimester whether it's ur 1st or not I would just like to say, it's not all about morning sickness and it's not all about being bloated or tired
It's also about the first time after u get that positive and go to the shops or the cafe look around and think, nobody here knows or even suspects in expecting a little miracle that's growing in my tummy right now. It's about the first time u get to say I'm pregnant, friends and family's reactions to the news when u tell them. 
I'd just like to say I'm on baby#2 and although I'm tired, very bloated and get cramps that I swear I'd trade for anything I am happy and look forward to having that bump to show off, that first scan picture and finding out whether my daughter is going to have a brother or sister. 
So love and happiness to u all and take care throughout ur journey. Xoxo