Little advice please read!! ❤

My SO has adhd.. He is also a chef. He gets extremely frustrated and tired at the end of a long day behind the stove and is prone to being a little grumpy and irritable.

Today I came home to find my dogs bed in the garden (dog included) When i came home my neighbour came to let me know she had found her wondering about the estate and put her back in the garden. This annoyed me.. When I brought it up with my SO he responded immaturely.. He told me he can do what he wants. All i asked was for the dog not to be left outside during the day all day when were at work. Our house is pretty big with patio doors and open Windows and shes tiny and has the run of it. She isnt bothered by being left home for a few hours while im away. He got annoyed with me for pushing the matter and raised his voice to which i responded "can you not have a civil conversation with me about something I feel strongly about without being a psycho?" and he lost it! He kicked the kitchen bin over and all the rubbish went everywhere and he broke the bin. He called me names and was just being a right twat!

I love him.. I really do.. And things have been hard since our mc and ttc journey began. Although he wont talk to me about his feelings or share anything with me and bottles it all up and then explodes.

I love him so much .. But i love me so much more.. I just dont know what to do or say anymore.. Any advice ladies? Or gents?

Much appreciated!