"failure to progress" CPD - VBAC chances?

Hello ladies, 
This whole topic has been driving me crazy, was curious if anyone is or has been in a similar situation. 
With my daughter (2012), I was induced by four different methods - they gave me the gel, broke my water, IV drip and then finally the dreaded balloon. I was two weeks late. After more than 48 hours from start to finish of inductions, they finally decided to give me a C-Section. Baby was never in distress, great heart beat. C-Section went very smoothly. 
This time around (due May 17, with a boy), my Ob has scheduled a C-Section for exactly 40 weeks on my due date. I feel like this should've been scheduled for the 38-39 week mark, even my family doctor agreed with that. I feel as if the doctor is trying to push a VBAC on me, because of the hospitals new program to decrease the number of c-sections. However, I'm really starting to feel like a Guinea pig. 
I was labeled as failure to progress with my first because I wouldn't dilate past 3cm, is it possible to dilate with the second child fully? I was told I had a small pelvis, and now looking it up, apparently this is actually a common issue amongst women that actually isn't true. 
Anyone have any similar stories or advice? I do plan on voicing my concerns when I see my OB next. 
Would love to hear some experiences where women who've already had a c-section went into labor naturally and had success stories. Really hoping that I won't go through another 48 hour induction. 
Btw, I do feel crazy pelvic pressure with this pregnancy that I didn't feel with my first. Is it possible my pelvis expanded?