8th time lucky. My struggle of infertility with APS (Hughes syndrome)

My life in a nut shell infertility , 7 miscarries, a horrible diagnosis called Hughes syndrome, sticky blood, antiphosplipid syndrome... (There are many names)
Well it destroyed my life. 
It's a horrible illness and it causes miscarriages or still birth.
It broke down my marriage having 6 losses my ex husband was driven into the arms of another woman.
I accepted I wasn't meant to have a happy ending. 
But then I met my current partner and he was my world from day one. I didn't like to admit it. A dodgy egg stopped a pregnancy 6 months ago and I accepted we just were never going to have kids, thankfully he has daughter so I didn't have the fear of never giving him a family.
Last time I got the right medication but boy did I have to scream and shout until the doctors listened.
That baby wasn't meant to be but I kept the meds in my cupboard and thank god I did.....
So here we are, an unplanned little one popped in there and is thriving... I lost all the others at or under 4 weeks and 3 days as my body rejected them so I had to share I'm past that first hurdle. I know it's early it's only 4 weeks and 4 days but i fought infertility, studied hard and got the right medication instantly from it being in my cupboard. It was all in date and now we are all go.
Early scan booked and just going with the flow...
Think sticky thoughts for me ladies. I'm praying so much this one could be my happy ever after.