Need some extra opinions...


So, at my last 2 weekly appointments my dr has said there has been no change. 1 cm dilated, baby is low but high, 50% thinned. She has said I'm going to be one that she has to induce at 41 weeks and she even told my mom it was OK for her to take her church trip to the mountains this weekend (5-6 hours away) because it would be at least 2-3 weeks before anything happened. I came off of bedrest last Wednesday at 37 weeks. She told me I could go ahead and walk or bounce on my ball or have sex or anything I wanted to help get things started. Well, I went shopping and to church that night... Nothing crazy. Woke up at 3 am with contractions. They weren't intense or regular but didn't stop until almost 5:30 am. Next day I felt fine. Took it easy around the house but did drive 20 mins to see my dad for a couple of hours and drive back. That night (last night) I went to the potty and when I wiped it was clear and stringy discharge with brown blood mixed. I've lost my mucus plug a little at a time since I was 28 weeks. So I just figured it was from being checked the day before. Well, last night starting at 12:30 the contractions came back and according to my app I was averaging about 50 seconds long every 12 minutes. They didn't stop until 4. This morning when I get up to pee again I wipe and it's more clear discharge with more pinkish brown mixed in. Now I've peed between the two with blood and had nothing or normal creamy discharge.

So, my question is: do you think this means that labor will happen in the next few days or could it be a week? I'm so paranoid that I'll go into labor this weekend while my mom is on her trip and she will miss it. My next appointment isn't until next Wednesday.