My princess needs therapy!😭

So since she's been about a month old, (She'll be 4 months on Sunday) she has been arching her back super far, to where her head almost touches her bottom and tilts her head to her left side. It worried me a lot, so I brought it up to her doctor. Which the doctor then said that its "normal" that its probably acid reflex from feeding, (she's EBF) but I told her, that she does it all the time, not just after she feeds.
I, then, got in touch with an early intervention specialist and she sent over 4 therapist to evaluate her. (Developmental, Language/Speech, Ovcupational, and Physical Therapists.) Both the Developmental and Language/Speech Therapists said that she was fine in what they were looking for, but the Physical and Occupational therapists said that they would recommend that she would get therapy.It's not something that you really want to hear, but I would do anything for my baby girl. I did want to mention, she did have a difficult delivery. Her shoulders got stuck, and I'm pretty sure that the doctor who delivered her just pulled her out. Possibly causing her to have shoulder dystocia.
I'm just afraid that it was something that the hospital/doctors did, and I don't know how to go about finding out..
- Concerned Mama.
Picture just for attention.😊