Sudden moving out with your boyfriend.(advice? please!)

Me and my boyfriend of 6 years have been in a long distance relationship secretly behind my family's back because my parents don't think he is right for me. Reasons being

☆He is not Christian.

☆He has a prestarted family.

☆Other reasons that make no sense.

☆He hasn't asked for their permission to date me.

[I live in Florida but I used to live in texas which is where I met my boyfriend. In the year before I moved to Florida my mom used to babysit my boyfriend family while their dad worked and during that time we all got really close.]

For the past 6 months my boyfriend and I have been talking about him talking to my parents (asking for permission to date) and then whether or not they say yes or no, I move in with in with him. (Because we can't afford to go back and forth visiting each other) The plan was me and my mom go visit my dad in Texas on out Christmas/New year's break and my boyfriend was going to call my dad and we were all going to meet up and my boyfriend was going to talk to my parents and then after I was just going to stay with him.

Don't get me wrong im excited to finally make things official and be able to be with him openly but im nervous to be leaving my family this way. Im not sure on if we should do this so sudden with out warning or if we should ease it in ..any advice any one can give me would be great ..any questions about the situation go ahead and ask.