She's here

She's here! Baby Jiselle arrived today at 11:45am , 8 lbs 6 ounces! At 42weeks and 5 days My little butterball gave mommy a bit of a hard time . Water broke on Thursday night around 8:45pm. We  went to the hospital at 11pm. Admitted right away. Contraction were up to 5 mins apart when we arrived and I was willing to have a natural drug free delivery. . But then contractions changed to 8-10 mins apart. Nurses stated that since my water has token and I tested positive for StrepB I was risking infection. After 5 hours of debating and waiting for contractions to catch up I decide to go with the pitocin induction. .and the Epidural! Those contractions were getting intense and i knew the pitocin would amplify them. Only problem is although the epidural was loverly..I think the epidural slowed down the contractions that the pitocin was set to encourage.long story short after 32 hours of labor and prayer my doctors informed me that I needed a cesarean. Scary thought but honestly after going through without not as bad as I thought. The aftermath put my body in shock but according to doctors it was totally normal. My loving boyfriend and best friend were there in the operating room with me which was a blessing from God. I'm so grateful. ❤️💕🙏. They were both so supportive and my Man was so comforting and loving . Nervous and on edge...but supportive and loving and baby Jiselle is beautiful I love her so much . 
Jiselle had to be taken to NICU after the procedure do too not meeting 100% with her oxygen. That's from staying in womb so long after water breaking. But other than that we are both healthy . 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍