RANT on public bathroom rules

Averi • Due June 9th, 2016. Baby Eden Jo Gleason. 👶🏼👑🌻💜🌞🎀
I know this is a hot topic right now and everyone is probably going to be offended but I can't help but be upset by the new rules on public restrooms. I 100% think it's wrong to allow men or women into the bathroom with the opposite sex in a public place. It's just unsafe. People are saying its something against transgenders but really it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with them in my opinion. My concerns are not that a transgender man or women is going to assault me or my child my concern is that no one is there to decide who is legitimently transgender versus who is just a child predator looking for an unmonitored place to victimize someone. Like how can that be so hard to understand? And people say "oh well people are raped every day and it's just something that is going to happen regardless of the bathroom rules" I completely disagree. Will it still happen? Of course it will but the issue is that we are now making it legal for a grown ass man to follow a little girl into a bathroom and he really will never have to explain him self. That litte girl can say he touched her but there will be nothing to hold him on because cameras aren't aloud in bathrooms and men will be aloud in the bathroom so it turns into he said she said. If we keep the bathroom laws the way they have always been then if a man is caught on camera going into a girls bathroom he can be prosecuted regardless. This is just crazy. What is our world coming too. 
Let me just add for those of you saying the laws should change to accommodate the .85% of our population that is transgender instead of staying the same to protect the 11% of little girls that are raped in their life time or the 16% of women or the 8% of boys.. That's a much more significant number. And if you look into it public restrooms are one of the #1 places these assaults take place.