Boyfriend bought a whole chicken; would you react the same way

I'm 6 weeks pregnant according to my LMP and I've been very emotional lately more than usual. My boyfriend picked me up with his family and they went to get food (I wasn't hungry). Usually when my boyfriend eats meat it is hidden in sauce and it does hurt me a lot knowing where it came from but it doesn't trigger horrible feelings within me. But this time he bought a whole chicken for his family; when it came out I started shaking and I felt like I was having a panic attack for the first time in my life. All I could picture was the baby chicken. I watched so many videos of live chickens and saw how smart birds really are. I felt the same way I would have felt if my cat was on that plate. I broke down in tears and I had to run out the door of the restaurant. I couldn't stop shaking and crying the whole time and I couldn't sit with them while they ate. I'm really upset that he would put me in that situation because it traumatized me a lot. Him and his family understood since they know I haven't eaten meat since I met them. But how would you react? I felt so embarrassed but it hurts me that everyone thinks this is normal. How can we as a society be okay with murder and not cringe while a dead body is laying on the table. 

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