Fell out my truck. 😳

So I'm 34 + 4 and felt super great today for the first time in months. Decided to get out the house and take my 3 year old  out for some mommy-son time before baby sissy arrives. After going to eat, going to the park & just enjoying the shit out of my day I go to my moms house, as I'm stepping out of the truck.. I step in a hole, twist my ankle and down I go.. I fell on my butt with my twisted up ankle up under me and hit my lower back on the side step of my Tahoe. Thank god my uncle sees me and comes to help me up.. I look down and realize I have a chunk of gravel stuck inside my pinky toe, and some other cuts that are bleeding.. After I get cleaned up I start noticing my foot is swelling all over and starting to bruise and hurt , very badly. I take a trip over to the ER to make sure nothing is broken and baby is okay, She is thank goodness ! But I'm dealing with a NASTY sprain and a few cuts. Now that's it's been a few hours I'm starting to feel the effects of falling all over my body. 😩😩 there's really no other point to this other than I wanted to rant about how I fall and bust my shit the first time I feel decent my whole pregnancy .. And all you moms to be out there .. Be careful.. 😊