My birth story 👶

Dazhane • Cameron Royce Floyd || Baby #2 April 2020 ❤

I was awoken to back contractions at 1am, I wasn't sure what they were because I've never felt anything like it before, but I've decided to time them, and they were 5 mins apart, so I texted my mom and told her everything (I was currently at my boyfriends house) and she tells me to come home and we will go from there (I live 5 mins from my boyfriends) so I come home and my mom feels my stomach and says yup it's time, I grab my hospital bags and my mom comes with us to the hospital. We get there and these contractions are getting worse and worse! Can't even walk! I get admitted and I'm 2cm and 80% effaced, and contractions are 4-5 mins apart. At 3am I'm 4cm and contractions are 2-3 mins apart, so they brake my water bag. Around 6am they check me and I'm still at 4cm so they give me pitocin. At 8am they check me and I'm 7-8cm dialated! And contractions are so close! I was given pain medicine already 3 times, and they noticed the baby heart rate sorta slowed down.. So no more pain medicine for me (which I was fine with, because it was affecting the baby) so I kept breathing through my contractions which was the hardest thing ever! I was 10cm around 12:24 and they started prepping the room. At 1:10 it was time to push! I pushed for 8 mins, and then my son shine⛅ was born at 1:18pm. April 24th (his due date)

6 pounds 3 ounces, 18 inches.