Afraid of PPD

I have a history of major depression and severe anxiety. I was on anxiety meds, but had to stop once I found out I was expecting. They offered to switch me to some meds they deemed "safe" for pregnancy, but I declined. This is my rainbow baby and I am very over protective/concerned about everything.

During my first pregnancy (which was 9 yrs ago) I also stopped taking any meds for depression and I was fine throughout my entire pregnancy, but had severe PPD afterwards.

Now for this pregnancy I was doing ok, but now at 29 wks I am honestly struggling. There is a lot of stress and anxiety and I'm feeling myself getting deeper and deeper into that depression hole. I really don't want to go on meds, but I also don't want the baby to feel any affects from my anxiety/depression.

Also, I feel if I'm already starting to struggle, I'm terrified of how bad it could get after the baby is born...

I feel like I'm in a lose/lose situation and I feel like I'm failing my baby already.

(Sorry for such a long post, but I could really use some advice) Thanks.