Please help..

Megan • Megan💄 Ortho asst🦷 fur mom to two GSDs🐶 3 miscarriages 👼🏼 Gracie Mae🌺
I do not understand this.. I am in CD9. The first test I took I felt like I did it wrong; I pee'd in the cup and it didn't seem like I had enough in there so I tilted it... So I said okay maybe too much on there? Well later yesterday I took test again and it was faint, that seemed right but I feel like It may have been longer then 10 sec. This morning I took it (2nd pee) and it came up like that. What it looks like is that there is faint on there but there is still a strong line there where it would begin. I have watched not drinking anything and so on. We BD last night just in case. My period was very weird this month because I started to workout again so not idk what my cycles will be. Before I was averaging about 32-40, depending on if I traveled and so on. This is my first month doing these so maybe I can be ovulating but I don't have anything on my panties. Please help a sister out! Lol thanks for taking your time and reading! I appreciate it!