Corpus Christi, Texas Mommas

Kassie • After 9 years of TTC, 6 MCs & never giving up hope, LENNON HOPE finally arrived as did her surprise sister, LENA LAYNE 22months later.
Hi ladies, I am 9weeks today with my rainbow, Due Date Dec 1st - my RE is going to be handing me over to an OB soon and he's given me 3 recommendations so far & I just don't know who to choose
Dr. Charles Kirkham
Dr. Christine Canterbury
Dr. Shawn Strain
This is my 6th pregnancy (I lost the other 5) so I'm considered extremely high risk, plus right now I'm presenting with Placenta Previa (that may or may not change)
Any recommendations?
Plus, I'd be super happy to talk with someone close to me!!