Stressed beyond belief

This is more of me trying to talk to someone rather then asking for anything. I am stressed beyond belief with TTC and with my living situation and with my credit due to past medical bills. I have one in particular that was sent to court and now my wages are being garnished on an income that is already low. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I need help from th heavens.  Like that's my last resort. I don't know where to turn and I have no family no friends or anything. TTC is the last thing on my mind right now even tho I long for another baby. I don't wanna live where I live anymore. I just want my daughter and move on. If the math is done correctly, I owe about 10k in medical bills and that's honestly the only thing on my credit. I guess I figured if I vented i would feel much better.. Guess I was wrong. Have a good night ladies.