First time posting

Sorry I don't know all the abbreviations you use but I have a question for you ladies. I've ben using glow since Jan 2016 before that I used <a href="">period tracker</a> lite. Went off BC in nov 2015 started TTC in Jan I have a history of very reg cycles but this month I didn't get mine that was due Thursday and got a neg home test this am (sat). I have breast tenderness and nausea but no vomiting yet. My husband reminded me that it can take up to a week late to get a pos home test. When should I test again??? Im feeling extremely discouraged and would appreciate any advice. Btw I tested at 7am but I had to go at 4 and couldn't wait but didn't want to test incase the result was pos. (Didn't wanna have to wake my husband in the middle of th e night.) would that affect anything? I can't talk to my family or friends because it's our first and I don't want to ruin the surprise. Should I call my doc? Idk want to do... Help please and sorry this is so long