I need some advice

I posted about this yesterday in the health and lifestyle section but im having a really hard time and need someone to talk to. I don't want to talk to my friends about it yet.
My fiancé and I have been together 6 years. I became pregnant after our one year anniversary. It just wasn't the right time soninahd the abortion pill. He supported me and we went to planned parenthood together. Now 5 years later it seems like all of his feelings about it are coming up and he's questioning if he wants to be with me anymore. I honestly can't handle it if we break up. He's my rock and everything to me. I can't fix this and breaking up won't solve anything. Please help me. I am a sobbing as I type this and he sleeps. I already feel and have felt so horrible about the abortion and now if I lose him too idk what I'll do. Also we have tried for about a year to get pregnant and no luck. So I think that brought up all of these feelings