My story..can anyone give advice?

I have a four year old daughter and had do complications when myself and my partner where trying for her.                                     We decided to start trying for another baby when we felt the time was right!I fell pregnant although we had a holiday booked to Cuba! It was an 10 hour flight unfortunately I miscarried at about 5 weeks😢 I was deveatated but decided we would keep trying..I fell pregnant again after 4 months and was so happy but once again I misscarried at 7 weeks I was heartbroken, and so shocked I was sure it wouldn't happen again. Once again I fell pregnant and misscarried at 7 weeks the pain of loosing another baby was horrible and I put trying to the back of my mind. Although I didn't go on any contraception.we have been trying for over two years now and I have still not fallen pregnant😔