Guaifenesin - can it make you ovulate sooner?

Diana • TTC #1 successful May 2016, thanks to Glow
So I'm posting this here in the hopes that Gunce or perhaps someone else has an idea about this. I've started taking Guafenesin in the form of cough syrup because of the purported effects in fertile CM quantity. But I'm also wondering if it could possibly change the TIME that you ovulate, namely making the egg be released sooner. I'm not sure there is a good reason for thinking it would, because the Guafenesin would have to affect your level of luteinizing hormone. Etc., but hey - maybe the production of more EWCM will trick your body into scheduling ovulation a few days sooner than normal? I ovulated on CD 20 of my 34 day cycle last month and that was my first time using OPKs.