Calling step parents!!!

K C🌙
I'm at my wits end and need advice or just maybe an idea of what I can do with my step son. So my step son is 11 and for the last mint or so his behavior has steadyily gotten worse. Which I know kids this age push limits and I expect that but I feel like this is getting out of hand. So just some things he's done/ does, first off tonight after taking him home( his moms, we have him everyday after school) his mom texted my fiancée stating my step-son took the trash out and has been gone 45 mins she text back a couple secs later saying she found him and he refused to tell her who's house he was at and where it was at. We just had a talk about respect and him listing. This isn't the first time he had just up and disappeared on her he's done it a couple times before. He has also stolen 40 dollars from her. Yells/cusses at her. The real big issue me and my fiancée have with him is when we talk to him about his behavior or school or something big he shuts down and starts crying and won't have a conversation with us then being a smartass and not listing (which again very normal) he's in therapy and his therapist diagnosed him with adhd, depression/ anitexy, and basically an authority problem. Now his mom never really follows through with grounding or discipline. We give him rules, ground him take stuff away. I'm just struggling right now because I feel helpless in what I can for him or how I can get him to talk to us. The only person who has my back as a step parent is my fiancée, I feel like I'm totally dismissed from his mom. I've asked if we could sit down and talk about how we can help him and she's has said she doesn't want to be ganged up on and doesn't see why I need to be present for conversations. I've told my fiancée that it makes me want to not have a child because I don't want it to cause more issues for my step-son. I know being a step-parent is hard just struggling at the moment and could use some advice and what others have been through.