Weird pregnancy dreams!?


Been having crazy pregnancy dreams last few nights. Weird dreams are not new to me though, I have them quite often.

Last night I dreamt I gave birth and had done completely nothing to prepare for baby and was packing my hospital bag while in labor. I also dreamt I had blacked out (as in couldn't remember) any of the labor/actually giving birth once I had gotten to the hospital and I was so sad not to have remembered that most significant event.

I've also been having dreams about not being able to breastfeed.

Anyone else with crazy dreams? Lol

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Posted at
Every single night, all night long I have the most crazy and random dreams. Twice now I've dreamed I've given birth to a kitten and it was totally normal...


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I dreamt the other night that there was the most amazing ice cream shop but i couldn't find my way there! When i finally made it, the lady filled up my take home container but ruined it with bubblegum icecream and i was so sad!


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My dreams have been cuhhhhraaaaaaazyyyyyyy. 


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Sounds odd, but I have a lot of zombie dreams.. 


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Every. Time. I fall asleep I have the craziest dreams! Vivid and intense. I'm already a dreamer, but when I'm pregnant they are crazy and all the time!! 


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I haven't had crazy dreams this time... Thank goodness! Last pregnancy I had crazy vivid ones....One dream I had... I dreamt I was having sex but it was with my brother in law (I think of him like a little brother so it was definitely "ewwwws") Another I remember was waking up and the entire planet was deserted.... I had to give birth by myself and raise my baby in crumbling cities trying to find food. 


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I've been having odd dreams too. A couple of nights ago I dreamt I was swimming along in a woolly swimming hat (!) and as I looked to my right the lifeguards were filling the pool with custard!! 😆


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I have them only when I take certain meds like niquil or when im pregnant. I am a registered medical assistant and where I work I half to test for a lot of STDs and I had a dream I gonorrhea all over my body ! & 2 night ago I had a dream I was pregnant with 6 babies , one died one we had to abort because it wasn't growing properly and we had 4 left , 1 girl and 3 boys .Super weird .


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I have very explicit dreams. Not sexual. Although 1 dream has freaked me out... An old co-worker became obsessed with me and stalked me (wanted me for himself)...tried to kill my SO & baby.Also had a dream I had the baby, but the face was blank (like slender man) and couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl.


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I've had bad dream so I've had dreams of bleeding and dreams of losing my baby but all is well. 


Aliyah • May 7, 2016
Yes I have lent had any problems either, but they say dreams are your unconscious thoughts escaping your brain just be calm. We're okay! ❤️


Rita • May 7, 2016
I had a dream of bleeding the other morning too. i had to pee and went to the bathroom and wiped and it was all bright red! didn't like that dream! Thankfully no real blood!