Complicated friendship need major advice

I didn't know where to post this it's going to be kind of long so bare with me please.
Me and this guy have been friends since high school I'm 26 and he's 28 back story when we were about 17 and 19 we were super close high school friends we talked every day one day at the park it was the end of summer we were discussing about our personal lives and out of no where he told me he liked me and wanted me to be his girl I didn't say anything, because I felt like if we were together our friendship wouldn't be the same if we were to break up so after that he didn't bring it back up so basically we were still friends but it wasn't the same really so I started dating guys and he dated girls when we had phone conversations it was always about other females I wasn't mad because we were only friends... 
Fast forward: 
I was 22 and he 24 he had gotten into an accident while on the bus and basically had a lawsuit that he won we were back close again prior to that, and he had a girlfriend now every time him and his girl got into it he would always call me but if they were only good terms I wouldn't hear from him for months which was stupid but every relationship is different they had an apartment together and were both working but barely making it she's a nurse and he works at a plant spray painting trucks, but when she lost her job he had to pull his weight and then they lost everything. They were together for five years Now here we in present time recently they are not together because she told him she's not in love with him anymore and basically out here doing her own thing the only down fall is they are both struggling and they live with each other including her bother in one house so I asked him why don't you just move out and his answer was because she still needs help with bills and a way to work in my opinion that's shouldn't be his concern when she no longer cares and out here with other men. Now last weekend I went to go visit him and he expressed to me that he loves me and wants to be with me I'm like you just want me to be a rebound because y'all recently just broke up he was like no he has always cared about me and wanted me but I played him.. I'm like when I was ready you chose her over me. I'm like y'all live to together so I don't know what y'all do in that house and they sleep in the same bed together you can't have your cake and eat it too. He's mad at me because everytime I get hurt by a dude I run to him for advice and he says he's tired of hearing about other dudes and that he could treat me better than these lame ass dudes I be messing with (nothing sexual with them). 
I don't know what to do I feel like we both are hurt for many reasons in our lives I don't want to be a rebound I truly love him as a friend he's everything, but I could be wrong I wear my heart on my sleeve and my mind is everywhere about the situation he barely texts or call me after we talked last weekend... So I told him I wanted to
have a serious talk and his reply was about what knowing damn well he knows what it would be about... I don't know what to do? Should I walk away from this friendship or try to be his girlfriend!? Should I text him what I'm feeling or leave it be?? Advice is needed Thanks in advance 😀