Pregnancy struggles¿ Possible Pregnancy¿

Stephanie • 26 years old ♡ always dreamed of being a mommy ♡ dog mom ♡ amazing boyfriend ♡ dental assistant
I'm new to the <a href="">glow app</a>. I have the Kindara as well. I'm 26 years old. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, pretty much no protection ever! (Back story: my ex of 2 years, same thing, & he had 1 bad testicle, he now has his 2nd kid). I've seen my OB, last time he said I was fine did blood test, said my prolactin levels were just a tiny bit high. He won't do anything further till my bf gets his sperm checked. I'm supposed to start my period on the 16th they usually last 4 maybe 5 days or so. My boobs felt throbby/pulsing yesterday, I have Montgomery tubercles or I guess those bumps on my areola area. The past week I've felt emotional and have pelvic pain here an there.. last Monday at work for about 4 hours my left hip side just kept cramping and I kept going #2 and it didn't help so I figured it wasn't gas..I did take a test this morning just to see but it said not pregnant. Also bought some prenatals from drugstore that say women can take to help get pregnant. Maybe my levels aren't high enough yet? Any help/suggestions would be great!! :) I added a pic for my cycle days, my doctor says from this it looks like I ovulate so.. idk! Lol