Feeling hungover, haven't had a drink.

So I'm due for AF on the 14th, and I have been trying not to get my hopes up but I have been having this weird sensation of nausea unlike my usual PMS symptoms.  Since 5-7dpo, I have been twinge-y, waking up with nausea and a heavy head feeling, waking up at 2am to pee and having heartburn.  
I'm now 9dpo and the feeling of hungover-ness has gotten worse, I'm always tired unless I eat but after I eat I just feel nauseous and tired again.  I am extremely regular and have my period like clockwork every month however, I have always been very in tune with my body and these symptoms have struck me as strange.  I have been experiencing PMS-like symptoms since the 1st, and it has gotten weird. 
Now that I am due this Saturday I was expecting the usual cramps and breast heaviness but neither have shown up so I am just a little confused.  Hopefully I can be patient and test this weekend but I am going crazy wondering >-< 
I should add we have probably BD'd for my entire cycle since my last period so it is highly possible.