Sorry I pulled a Houdini...

Today is a rough day, that was supposed to be a very happy one. As you all know, Dave & I had to put our TTC on hold at the end of December due to some crazy Navy regulations. While I'm sure that has probably been the general consensus of why I disappeared, that is only part of it. Prior to finding out we had to stop trying, we started having problems. We were working on them, and I really hoped we would get through it. Sadly, that was not the case. In February he asked me for a divorce, though it felt more mutual than that. He has since moved out of our apartment, and into his parents' house until he leaves. It's been a hard road, but I am actually pretty happy most days (lately anyway). Today would have been our first wedding anniversary. That's been a kick in the gut today, but I'm managing. It's all been as amicable as possible, which makes is simultaneously easier and harder. Anyway, I thought I should probably fill you all in, and let you know that, even though I don't post much, I haven't abandoned you. I still try to scroll through and keep tabs. I just needed time to get to a place where I could be more happy for you all than I was sad for me. I am so excited for all the expecting ladies, and, as always, I have my fingers crossed that all our TTC ladies will be joining that group soon. 💜