Uterine Fibroids & Severe Cramping

I need some advice from you ladies out there who have experienced uterine fibroids during pregnancy. I've been in pain all day and I'm starting to worry. 
On Friday I had my anatomy scan and was informed that I have 4 fibroids, one of which the tech said I would begin to feel but didn't explain how. She also didn't give me any other information or tell me the size of the various fibroids. She explained that she is just the tech and that the doctor would be getting back to me within 24 hours but because it was a Friday and they close early, I probably wouldn't here from the doctor until earli next week. Now it's Tuesday, still haven't heard from the doctor, and from the time I woke up this morning I have been experiencing constant painful cramping. I called the office around 3PM and a nurse just said to hydrate and monitor the cramps and let them know if they worsen. I asked if this could be caused by the fibroids and she said possible but I don't think she had access to my information or my scan. It is now almost 8PM and the ramps are continuing and starting to get worse. It feels like I'm about to start my period. It's to the point where I'm feeling constant cramping and some lower back pain. I've been on the couch for the last couple of hours. 
So, needless to say, I'm beginning to worry. If the pain is due to the fibroids and its normal, then okay, I'll deal with it. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned at this point. Can anything bad happen? Should I be seen? I have a scheduled doctors appt on Friday. Not sure if I should just wait till then and discuss with the doctor or if this requires more urgent attention. I have no bleeding and no pain with urinstion. Also no constipation. I've checked the babies heartbeat twice today and it was normal. Any advice from the momma's out there who have had experience with uterine fibroids???? I can deal with the pain if I know the baby is OK. I just don't know when I should be worried.