My birth

Hughes • mommy of 4

My son is actually 4months now an we are expecting again but ive been ask to share my story.

Day 1 - I had been having contractions really strong so I went to the hospital they told me my contractions are 20mins apart that I was to go home on bed rest I wasn't even to lift a piece of paper.

Day 2- I woke up an my contractions was really strong so i sat in a bath pretty much all day. I went to bed that night an woke up with pains.

Day 3- I went back to the hospital that morning so the gave me 3 shots in the back of my arm to stop my labor. Went home no contractions at all.

Day 4 - I had a dull pain in the bottom of my back that woke me up I stood up to go to the restroom an I had blood running down my legs. The ambulance showed up an I was taken to the hospital went I got to the hospital I dilated to a 4cm they put in my epidural an my water broke will in this process. I layed down an they came in 10mins later an I was at 9cm I was dilated fast for me to be so young an first baby. Withing 20mins after they check my body started pushing on its own an the nurses came in his head was already out an Kaleb Douglas Watson was born on December/ 23/ 2015 weighed 6pounds 8ounces