Bed rest and upset

Sarita • Pregnant with my 3rd. I have a 7 year old son and a 3 year old daughter 😊
I'm 22 weeks and I've been on bed rest since 16 weeks for partial placenta abruption and a subchorionic hemorrhage. My family hasn't offered me any help since being down and at first it didn't bother me, but now it's starting to. I have a 3 year old so it's hard to even stay in bed with her needs while her dad is at work. Am I wrong for being upset that my mom and 3 sisters haven't offered to help me? I know they have their own lives too, but I just feel like if it was anyone else's family they would probably have more support. I've also been feeling depressed since being on bed rest. I'm just miserable and looking for some advice/answers from other moms who have been on bed rest too