My notes on birthWater broke at 3:50am 5/10

My notes on birth
Water broke at 3:50am 5/10. I was getting out of bed to pee. Continued to trickle out.
Feeling slightly crampy, by 5:30am. 
At 7am I was advised by my doctor to get some rest and go on walks. He instructed me to go into triage at 5pm. He said there was an 80% change of labor starting on its own.
At 5:30pm it was confirmed that my water had broken and I was admitted into Labor & Delivery. It was clear that my labor was not starting on its own and would need augmentation in order to deliver with in the time frame that my doctor and the hospital were comfortable with. I started with miso- basically a synthetic prostaglandin to help the cervix be the best it could be for pitocin. I was told that there was a 50% chance the miso would start my labor without needing pitocin. They wanted to use this augmentation in 3 doses of miso in 12 hours. I went through 2 doses of miso and strong erratic contractions before I knew I needed rest in order to continue. I tried nitrous gas but got no relief.
At 5:30am I got an epidural and skipped the last dose of miso and went straight for the pitocin. I was able to rest and fully dilate by 11am. I was pushing by 11:45am and he was born at 12:24pm. 
I had a 2 lobed placenta and part of it was stuck to the uterus wall. I had to have a manual removal of the placenta. I was given fentanyl for the pain. It only made me sleepy and heavy but didn't take away the pain. 
I was able to nurse with in the first hour. We are passing all the test and hoping to go home 24 hrs after birth!