My first pregnancy and its story

Emillianna • Im 21 and a second time mom. Im married to a wonderful man, and this is his first child.
My firstborn sons due date was March 8, 2014. So at 7 In the morning on March 8, I was having really bad contractions, to the point it woke me up. I told my boyfriend at the time and we headed to the hospital. When we got there they checked Me. I was still only 2cm, which I had been for a week already. They told me to walk around the hospital for an hour then to come back and check me again. If I hadn't dilated by then, then they'd send me home. So I walked around the hospital, and I started puking, my bf had to get me a bucket to puke in. My contractions were getting closer and closer and I kept puking and puking. 45 minutes passed by and I had to go back in so they can check. Once they did, I was 5 cm dilated, and they said I was gonna have my baby. I was freaking out not gonna lie. They wheeled me to the room where I'd give birth. They hooked me up to an IV and did my blood work. My contractions got worse and worse. I had the urge to go pee so I went to the bathroom, but as soon as I sat down I had to get back up cuz of the pain. I started walking back to my bed and that's when my water broke. They checked me again and said I had to start pushing. So I did. 10 minutes of pushing and he was here at 2 in the afternoon that same day. He came out with his arm first and almost tore me all the way. He was 6lbs 14 oz and 20 in long. He was just perfect. They started stitching me up but couldn't cuz of how much blood I was losing. They had to give me a spinal block and stitch me up. That was the worst part. Other than that it was all natural, and lasted all of 7 hours. And he is now a happy 2 year old boy.