Addison Meree an unintended all natural birth

Syrena • 27. 05/13/2016 🌈
Yesterday I woke up with contractions. All day they intensified. I finally went the the hospital once where they stated I was dilated to a 3 and sent me home. I came back later to find out I was a 4.5 and I needed to be 5 to be admitted. My contractions were not administering on the toco radar so they claimed i couldnt be in labor. I went home to continue labor for five more hours. Finally went back to the hospital and waited for a bed for two more hours. It was a busy day! Well they took me back where they measured me at an 8. Well they parked my bed in delivery and while getting my epidural ready my water broke! I felt the need to push. At this point I'm screaming bloody murder out of fear and excitement and pain. Three long and intense pushes later and I met my beautiful rainbow. Miss Addison Meree 6.6# and 19 in only 10 min after being admitted. They took her from me because she passed a bowel in my womb so they wanted to check her(she was perfect! Thank god). They finally gave her to me for skin to skin time and she latched on right away for feeding. I am so incredibly blessed! She's wonderful and I'm so glad my wonderful fiance stood supporting me the entire time. Happy Friday the 13th! He knew today would be the day we would meet our special and perfect little girl.