2nd c section question ..

Ok call me vain but I have to know lol... Did your 2nd c section ruin your body? Like did it make it any worse? My first c section left me with a slight scar and a little bit of loose skin. Nothing major .. No one would notice but I notice bc my stomach was never quite the same . I never had the strength I once had in it . Now I see alotnof women say even with their first they was left with a belly flap, a mother apron? I didn't have that . Maybe a slight lump near my scar again nothing anyone else would ever notice . Now I am set to have my second c section and I'm wondering .. What is this going to do to my stomach? Will I get the dreaded belly flap this time ..5 years later after my first? Is it genetics like stretch marks ? I was lucky enough to not get any with my first or so far this one . I'm just looking for some women's honest opinions, thoughts and even experiences . I know I am growing a human and nothing beats that . I am just a little vain sometimes .. Aren't we all? I don't have the best self esteem and I do constantly pick myself apart so I want to know if I will be adding more things to the list :(