Thawing breast milk

I know this isn't really pregnancy related and I apologize if anyone by any chance gets mad about it. I have a 2 week old and I have 12 ounces of breast milk stored in the freezer how do I go about thawing it ? Someone told me to boil it because it might have a "soapy taste" which, I remember freezing breast milk with my daughter then when I thawed it in the fridge I tasted it and it tasted bad not because of me, my breast milk is always sweet. So can anyone tell me ways to thaw the milk or tips to not to have it taste bad. I want to have a drink today the modelo chelada to be exact, I believe it's no more than 12 percent alcohol its maybe like 9 percent idk. Please don't judge me either, I've been craving a michelada for the longest and one won't hurt since i'm not drinking to get drunk or crazy buzzed i'm just drinking to get a tiny buzz and to relax