Crush rush? More like blood rush!

I was at my bff's house an she was like let's invite Jackson over here and I said ok so Jackson came over and my bff left and it was just me and him white cloth chairs is what we were sitting on and I got up to go get the food at the door cause we ordered Chinese takeout so me nd my boyfriend.  Started eating and I got up to use the bathroom and that was when we were finished eating I do not look back enough to realize that I had bled all Llover the lot chairs but when I got back from the bathroom I realize that I had bled literally everywhere on that white chair I could not clean it up my boyfriend got up because he needed to get something to drink and I sat towards the front of the chair and I had like this black cloth under me and he said hey you have a black cloth under you here let me get it he jerks it out from under me and he sees the bloodstain then he Goes back to his seat sits  and he says so I have to go my mom texted me and she wants me to come over back for dinner so yeah I'll see you tomorrow and that was like literally my worst period. Story but I have more trust me my luck I guess