My hcg level is 916 at 4wks 3days is this normal??? Help


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Posted at
All that matters is if it doubles in 48 hours, but that number is within the normal range!


Posted at
My friend had trouble getting pregnant. She's considered high risk .. so they monitor her every week.. she started going at 3 weeks .. her hcg was 200.. then at 4 weeks was around 1000.. then at 5 weeks it went to 5,000 and now she's 6 weeks today and she went again for blood work and her hcg levels were 32,000... so I think ur ok my dear. Don't stress!!


Posted at
You're doing just fine, mama! Don't stress. Numbers look good to me. Try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Big congrats to you on that!! Good luck and have fun with it!


Posted at
Just stressing as went for ultrasound today I have a tilted uterus and was told can make it hard to see things is this true?? My ultrasound showed nothing hence the bloods for investigation, has anyone else had a ultrasound at this stage and seen nothing??


Lorna • Nov 17, 2014
Am hoping so I've been in tears all day it never leaves my mind x


Keira • Nov 17, 2014
There is only a sac till between 5-6 weeks so it might be hard to pick it up


Posted at
No idea