Born at 38+1, 8lbs 2oz. Less than two hours in hospital.

Charlotte 🇬🇧 • Mummy to 2 beautiful little girls. Born 2016 and 2018.

Our beautiful little girl decided she'd make an appearance a bit early. Started having what i thought might contractions wed <a href="">eve</a>, they were getting stronger but not very close together. Thurs 3pm i rang the ward they said to have a bath take paracetamol etc. Hubby then went to work and contracttions got more intense but not ehat I thought they would be like. 6pm I called again as they were 3-4 mins apart, told me to come in whenever i was ready but didn't sound like i needed to rush.

Arrived just after 7pm, got examined and was 7/8 cm dilated!! Midwife quickly ran the bitrth pool (takes half hour to fill) Contractions amped up in intensity and I was sick a few times.

Made it into the pool and midwife had to hand over to late shift. With that i had intense pressure and felt i needed to push. Three midwives came in, i had a few puffs on gas and air and baby was born at 8.50pm still in her membranes :)

Brilliant experience although a bit sudden!