Round 1, no ovulation

Jennifer • TTC for 3 years (1 blocked tube), 2 MC
My bloodwork came back from round 1 and my progesterone was at 4.3 @ 10DPO meaning I didn't ovulate. 😫 I'm about halfway through round 2 cycle and will only be doing 3 rounds of clomid alone. I see my doc in 5 weeks to discuss either upping my dosage + <a href="">IUI</a> or switching to Femara + <a href="">IUI</a> if three cycles of clomid doesn't work. I'm so ready to just give up. Infertility does not run in my family and I'm one of the healthiest people in my family and have PCOS. Life isn't fair. I hope you ladies are ovulating from your meds and can share a success story soon. I'm ready to call it quits. One more month and it's been 2 years TTC.