Anyone doing or had a water birth?!

Destiny • I'm a second time mommy, I'm 21 years old and happily engaged to the love of my life.
I basically went all natural my first time around, the doctors forced an epidural on me to "calm me down" and by the time they finished I was crowning. I didn't go numb until well after my son was born. So this time I'm not giving them the opportunity to do that. I want an all natural water birth and I'd love to hear some of y'alls stories. I was only 18 when I had my son and my brother had passed away the day before so needless to say I was.. Freaking out a bit lol but what they did to me was completely unnecessary. I want to be as calm as possible this labor and really experience it for what it is and I'd love to hear some encouraging things to keep me on this track. Let's hear em (: