
Hey ladies, I need some help here, i have a wonderful loving boyfriend and we've been together for a while now, we never use/used condoms due to the fact that we are the only partners each other has/had. I am on birth control pills, I missed a couple days but we were very cautious when I did miss those days, meaning we didn't do anything until my pills were back in my system after a week. I'm afraid I am pregnant, this is my first scare and I'm not sure what to do... I have been getting nauseous and vomiting everyday right around the same time, not in the morning, it starts around 2:00 pm and lasts until I fall asleep at night... I have stomach pains and the vomiting is causing dehydration but I continue to drink plenty of water, I've had two friends tell me to take a test that have had kids or have been pregnant and lost the baby, I just don't know what to do at this point... Someone please help me!!!