What to do about Ex

I hate making polls over these things but I'm so torn. I'm 20 and my ex (22) and I broke up almost two weeks ago because of me. Because I get scared to grow feelings and get attached and I try to find flaws in them whether it's that I'm not physically attracted to them or what they say annoys me. I know this is a problem and it's obviously a sign of trust issues or something, but it also could be that I just don't like him as much as he likes me. Every day though since we broke up though, I've actually been thinking about him and wonder what he's been doing and I even sometimes want to call him and have him come over on walks with me or lay in bed and talk like we did when we were dating but then other times I'm like no, I'm better off alone. I don't know what to do and I hate that I'm like this. Leave comments/advice below please I'd really appreciate it