This sweet little baby..

This is the ONLY picture we got..this gonna be a mess... I literally stopped on the way up and got a big chocolate chip frappucino with a double shot of expresso and a rice kris pie treat.. 15 minutes later we got in there and the baby was moving around. Got all excited to find the gender and the baby slowed, lifted it's hand to its face, and fell asleep..the lady spent a half hour wiggling it and trying to wake it up.. it woke up, stretched, and went to sleep again.. I literally cried.. this baby is going to get a lot of butt whippings in it life if it's continues this way..I can feel it! Because last appt we had it had its back turned and the one before to hear the heartbeat it kept running and 15 minutes later she found it in my hip area!! Uugghh..I love it though:) I feel like it's a girl any ideas? Or guesses. 16 weeks today so it's still early!