Induction at 38 weeks

So my dr just told me today that if I keep feeling the way I do, that he will have me sent in to be induced by 38 weeks the latest if I don't get worse before then. 😔 I'm 32 weeks & 4 days today. 
I been dealing with constant painful migraines the past week so he sent me home with fiorinol and wants me to stay as rested as possible since I get strong pressure in my pelvic area accompanied by tightening in my belly. Plus my sleep has been off apparently even though I get up to 7-8 hours a night and I'm still severely exhausted throughout the day. Almost to the point to where I get dizzy from being so tired. His conclusion was nothing sounded good and he wants me to keep the baby in as long as possible, which I'm all for. I just can't understand why I feel like this when I never felt this bad for my previous pregnancies. I'm hoping it doesn't progress into something really bad. Anybody else going through something similar ?