Your Body After Baby👶👶


Okay, needing some inspiration and hope that I won't be this huge too long after baby. Did any of you gain in your legs and lose it quickly after having your baby??

I eat fairly healthy (no diets obviously bc I'm pregnant), in fact I've been eating the best I have in my life! I exercise at least 60min a day, (whether it be dancing, cleaning, walking, shopping, ect) and also lift dumbbells every day. My arms look great, as does my back, BUT MY THIGHS. Oh my god I don't understand how they got so huge! I think it's hereditary, but still, how did they seem to almost double in size??!! No matter what I do they won't change in size either.

I'm doing perfectly with my weight gain as well, I'm 34 Weeks and have gained 20lbs. Please give me some comfort😢😢