Dating my baby daddy but feel like I'm losing him

Tiffany • Baby boy Espinosa expected to be here July 22nd💙Living life with mi vida🌎FTM👶🏻
So I'm living with my boyfriend. Baby Mateo is due July 22nd. And we are still having a problem with my boyfriends ex. He knows how much I really don't like her and how much I'm just overall threatened by her even if I have no reason. He does everything he can to make sure he has her on his social media to keep tabs on her still. It's bad enough my son is due on her birthday. He knows right now I'm mad about him adding her on Facebook AGAIN. We fought about it and he even slept in the other room. I don't know how to express enough how mad I can be and how hurtful it is that he keeps doing this. I don't know what to do anymore 😩