So I have to tell someone!!!!


So it's become very obvious that if I wanna see my family it's going to be me who has to go to them. Last year Christmas 2014 I moved from Florida to Texas. Lived there for 7months then moved to Georgia (we don't like to settle for long) anyways we are rooming with my hubbys parents for now (i love them) anyways so even tho I HATE Florida I decieded it was time to see my brothers and mother. So here's what I'm a stupid excited about.

I called my mom saying I was just THINKING about coming for a vist at the end of June maybe July. Hahahaha sike! I'll be down next weekend for a month!! Now only my oldest brother knows because he's picking up! Goood Lord I hope I can keep my big mouth shut! I can't keep a secret to save my life!