Any advice?

Sarah • I am a married woman who loves babies! I have one daughter right now and can`t wait to make her an older sister.
So all my life I have had bumpy, red rough skin only on my arms and I became very embarrassed by it when a boy in school made fun of me and said my arms were gross, this was when I was in 5th grade. After that I always wore a sweater and never took it off at school. When I met my husband I started to take of my sweater and I told him how I didn't like my skin he said not to worry about it cause I still looked beautiful. Here I am still trying to figure out how to get rid or make better my skin! Does anyone else have skin like this or any lotion that can help. I post some pictures but you can kinda see it but I have red dots all over my arms and sometimes I get pimples.