Ladies you're worth it.


I have come across a reoccuring theme of bad relationships and self worth issues...

*Invest in yourself.

Stop worrying about the people around you- what they think, what they need. Everyone is out for themselves.

Kindness is not a bad thing but you cannot give something you dont have. At the end of the day you have to live with you. And if you is not happy, nor healthy how can you expect to help someone else -even your own children, do the same? You will teach them and those around you that its okay to disregard yourself. Putting others first is a great way to live but if you dont have the basics of how to take care of yourself- you wont know how to take care of someone else. So you do you booboo.

What makes YOU happy? Is it painting? Stargazing? The beach? A new career?

*Bad relationships.

If you have undeniable proof that he has been lying to you, if he has cheated on you and lied about it, if you caught him cheating: He's not that into you. He doesn't love you.

A good relationship:

Is not 50/50 it's two people giving 100%. Its best friends living life together. Its teammates pushing eachother forward to better and greater. Its you two vs the world. Do not settle.

Bottom line:

Bad relationships come out of disrespect for oneself. And sometimes we see what we want to see. Sometimes, the best thing that can happen is a breakup. You are worth more than words can describe. You are a princess. And you ARE loved. You are worthy of love because you were made worthy. Walk in that Truth. And if ANYONE tells you anything differently: kick 'em to the curb.

*Final thoughts.

Investing in yourself is important because it allows you to see worth in yourself and a new perspective. If you try this it can change your life. The biggest thing is to not try to force yourself into something but to allow life to happen. That can be scary but you are worth more than some two bit guy who will use and abuse you until he finds something "better" (notice I said someTHING). That type of guy is not going to see your worth. But I see it. And so can you.

I love you all. And from one sister to another I just want the best for you. And I hope this helps. -L<3

What makes you happy? Has this helped? Share your thoughts.